Sick or Injured Animals
We often get calls about sick or injured wildlife. While we don’t have the expertise or facilities to care for animals, there are a number of other agencies that might be able to assist you. For information on what to do if you find an animal in distress or for wildlife rehabilitators in your community, visit the Ontario government resource page.
Additionally, your local humane society is often a great resource if you have any concerns about the health and well-being of wildlife or domestic pets, such as cats and dogs.
Connect with your local society:
Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society
Stratford-Perth Humane Society
If you live in rural settings, contact your local township office and they might be able to provide you with additional information.
Trapping and Relocating Wildlife
We often get requests to trap and relocate animals from properties or dwellings. While this might seem like a quick fix to solve your issue, in Ontario it is illegal to under the Ministry of Natural Resourcesʼ Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Act. For more information visit www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/97f41